Monday, March 27, 2017

My Day Off

As you know from an earlier post, my school just held it's annual Sports Day. This event was held on a Saturday, so since we had a full school day on Saturday, I had the day off today (Monday!)
At the beginning of the trip when looking forward at this day I was going to use to catch up on work and be productive, and I sort of did that, but I'm in Taiwan, so I also sort of did not do that!

I decided to take advantage of my free time and visit another one of the ISU student teacher's schools, because why not?! As an educator, I find it very fun to observe various classrooms to see how things are done differently or maybe even the same. I was granted the opportunity to spend the morning at Zhongshan Primary school, where Ky is placed. He teaches different classes Ultimate Frisbee a few times a week, and I was lucky enough to be there during one of those times! I got to watch him teach the game to a group of second graders, and even got to participate a little bit. It was awesome, the kids were having so much fun and it probably made their day. We did that in the morning for close to an hour, then returned to the classroom. I got to observe teacher Ky teach a lesson to sixth graders, one that I actual taught last week to my own sixth graders, so it was very interesting to be reminded how different the same content can be taught. It was nice to see the school again, since seeing them all on our first day in the city I had forgotten a little bit; all of the schools in Kaohsiung are incredible. It was nice to see how another fellow student teacher's day looked, and how mine compared. I was glad to get out of the apartment and explore something I was curious about. I made the journey home around lunch time, coming back to the apartment.

From there I did get some work done and spent some time being productive! Thank you to Teacher Nora, Teacher Ky, and Peter; for inviting me to hang out at your school today, I had a blast!

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